Getting Lost In the Desert of the Netherlands

Yes, we are being serious! There is a desert in the middle of the Netherlands. It is a vast area full of fine white sand with small shrubs growing around the sandy area. On a lazy September Sunday afternoon, Hayley and I got our bike out and enjoyed the nice Indian summer. Welcome to the…

Prinsjesdag, Royal Cavalry & Den Haag

19th September 2017 was the Prinsjesdag of the Netherlands, which was translated as the Prince’s Day. It was an annual event full of pomp, fanfare and a day when the Dutch king opened the parliament in Den Haag (The Hague). Our day in Den Haag The weekend before the actual event took place the Dutch Royal Cavalry,…

A Day In Delft On the Open Monumentendag

Last weekend was the European Open Monument Day, where many of the historical sites and museums across many European countries are open to the public for free or at the reduced cost. In fact, some of these places only opened to the public on this special occasion. That weekend, Hayley and I headed out to Delft,…